Cassidy Robinson

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30 weeks


Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 30 weeks, 2 days Size of baby: size of a cabbage, weighing almost 3lbs now! Total Weight Gain/Loss: + 20lbs. Definitely doing better on the weight gain this time around. Not really sure what I'm doing differently (in fact, I felt like I went to the gym and worked out more while pregnant with Micah) but I'm thankful. I still have a couple months to go though... Maternity Clothes: Yes, yes, yes! Some things I love: maternity leggings, jeans and tank tops (didn't even know they made them, but SO comfy! and great to wear under tops to help cover up the "area" that keeps growing and growing and... you get my drift?) I still wear some non-maternity stuff in bigger sizes, but it definitely fits awkwardly. Gender: GIRL! Still can't believe I'm having a girl sometimes... :) Movement: Sweet little Hannah Leigh is taking up quite a bit of space. I can definitely tell she is growing. If I push in certain areas I can feel her feet and limbs! It's amazing (and freaks Josh out!)  She has had the hiccups a lot lately too, just like her brother. ;) Sleep: I am waking up more in the middle of the night, not to pee, but to roll over. I am super paranoid about sleeping on my back, because of what I've read about the blood flow being cut off to the baby. And last night I think I woke up three times laying FLAT on my back and immediately turned over. Oh, how this belly is getting heavier to shift around! Haha. Cravings: Nothing yet! I know I said I had a sweet tooth, but that seems to have passed (or could have just been attributed to all the Thanksgiving/Christmas goodies lying around!) Symptoms: Big belly. ;) Best Moment this week: Getting to hear Micah say "Hannah" and give my baby belly a hug! So sweet. :)

//previous updates on baby Hannah: 27 weeks21 weeks 18 weeks14 weeks


I gotta be honest... 30 weeks is a strange place to be in pregnancy. It feels like a huge milestone, like you're almost to the finish line because you've reached the "thirties" and people now begin to comment on how "HUGE" you're getting (gotta love it!) But then you look at the calendar and see you still have 2.5 more months or 10 weeks or 70 days to go. However you count it, all of it sounds longer than you FEEL you have left. At least that's the case for me.

I remember with Micah that this is when time started to slow down. Although time has been going so fast this pregnancy, slow will probably feel more normal. We still have lots to do to prepare for her arrival. It could be the case of the second child, but I feel like I was so stressed about having everything perfect and ready for Micah - then he came, and we held him almost 20 hours of the day and he didn't even sleep in his nice, decorated nursery until he was about 2 months old (and that was only for naps!) I learned diapers, wipes, clothes and blankets are the necessities for a newborn.

I may be more laid-back this time, but I'm still as excited as if it were my first! Because, this is my first girl. Despite knowing she probably won't sleep in it for a couple months, I have been working on her nursery. And decorating cute and frilly for a little girl has been fun! I am going with a yellow & white theme. I will be sure to take pictures and post them as soon as it is done (you could be waiting til March for that post!)

More than anything, I am ready to see how life will change with two children. I feel like I am just now getting a good routine going with Micah. But isn't that the beauty of life? Never getting comfortable. Always depending on the Lord for our strength. I feel so blessed to be where I am right now in this moment - a mom to an active 16 month old and 30 weeks pregnant with our baby girl.
