Staying Busy
I am approaching my last week of summer break... and whew, what a busy one it was! Josh and I spent the majority of our time this summer with 13-18 year olds. It was a blast! God is doing a great work in these students and we are blessed to be a part of it. Our prayer now, is that they will continue standing strong in their faith throughout the school year! It only takes one. It scares me a little to think life is about to get even busier! I am returning to school to finish my BA in Christian Studies this fall. I'll be taking a full 15 hour load. On top of that, I'll be teaching a small group, singing with the worship team and working at Eagle Eye Outfitters part-time! I'm ready to dive in head first. I've learned in the past few years, that I accomplish more when I stay busy. My prayer now is that I don't become too busy doing work for the Lord, that I miss spending time with Him. The more I seek Him... the more I find Him, the more I find Him... the more I love Him.