Motion of Mercy - Francesca Battistelli cover
I sang one of Francesca Battistelli's new songs, "Motion of Mercy" for our service at Watermark a couple weeks ago. The message was on "Loving One Another." I figured it would be simple to find a song on this topic... but gee, I was wrong. Of course there's the Michael W. Smith song "Love one another..." that I couldn't get out of my head for days. But after searching youtube relentlessly, I finally found this song. It's a beautiful picture of how Christ loves us and how that should change the way we love others.
I was challenged by these lyrics, "Living for the lost. Loving til it hurts." We should live so that people come to know Jesus! I was talking to someone today about church and realized that it's easy to leave out the most important part of why we meet together every Sunday - the CROSS. I don't share that enough. And usually I don't consider love to be something that hurts, but it really can. Loving others the way Christ loves us, means loving them when they pay no attention to us, turn their back on us, cut in front of us in the Chik-fil-a drive through line (yes, that happened tonight) and take advantage of us. We are used by people. So is Jesus. We still need to love them.
"Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."
- Jesus (John 13:35)
Motion of Mercy
I was poor I was weak I was the definition of the spiritually Bankrupt condition So in need of help
I was unsatisfied Hungry and thirsty When You rushed to my side So unworthy Still You gave yourself away...
That's the motion of mercy Changing the way and the why we are That's the motion of mercy Moving my heart
Now I'm filled by a love That calls me to action I was empty before now I'm drawn to compassion And to give myself away
That's the motion of mercy Changing the way and the why we are That's the motion of mercy Moving my heart
Living for the lost Loving 'til it hurts No matter what the cost Like You loved me first That's the motion of mercy
God give me strength to give something for nothing I wanna be a glimpse of the Kingdom that's coming soon
That's the motion of mercy Changing the way and the why we are That's the motion of mercy Moving my heart