October Follower's Fest
There is a little "Follower's Fest" going on here today. If you are looking for some good blogs to follow, you definitely want to check these out! When I linked on, there were almost 600! So, I'm sure you can find a couple to interest you. :)
I started blogging in 2007 during my sophomore year in college. I have always loved to write, and what better way to let my family and friends keep up with me than to share my ongoing thoughts and experiences through a blog? Oh, and maybe I met a cool, youth pastor guy named Josh who happened to be into the blogging thing as well (and I had to keep up!) You can check out my very first blog here (yes, it's still up!). Soon after I married that bloggy, youth pastor, I needed a domain name change and decided that it would be a good time to switch to self-hosting on Wordpress so I could also have the freedom to share my music and sell CD's on here as well. That switch happened around January 2009 and I've been here ever since. :)
Blogging has had it's ups and downs. And I have had my dry seasons in writing. But, lately I've been encouraged to see the number of Christian women in the blogging community. They are very inspiring and have kept me going a lot of days. There are so many people who need uplifting in this world, and just knowing you can reach a lot of people in writing a simple post is pretty amazing! I want to take a moment to highlight just a few of my favorite blogs to read when I get a chance to sit down. And of course, you can check out all of my links on my homepage as well!
In no particular order...
And of course, a few of my good friends in "real life"...
I hope you will stop by their blogs and show some love! Also, if you aren't blogging maybe they will inspire you to begin the journey into it. You may not think you have much to say... but trust me, once you have a platform to speak on you will be surprised at the thoughts that come out! And as many of you know from my Vulnerable post, I've learned that being real and honest is the best way to encourage others. :)