
Posts tagged anniversary
Baby Three

Two days before Easter, we found out we would be expecting our third child! To be honest, it was in the wake of an extremely stressful time. Our little Hannah had fallen a couple days prior at Target and had to get four stitches in her forehead. I was already feeling overwhelmed and incapable of taking care of two very active little ones - that my immediate thought when I found out I was pregnant again was, How am I going to do this?!

But then I remembered my sweet boy, Micah, coming into the kitchen earlier that month, looking at me inquisitively and asking, "Mommy, how do we get another baby in your tummy?" I smiled at the thought of him wanting another little sibling, without knowing that his daddy and I had been "working" on it for a few months already. But so far, there were only negative tests. And I wasn't sure how much hope I should hold out for considering my history with endometriosis. So I kneeled down next to him and quietly said, "Well, you could pray and ask God to give us a baby." With a defeated voice he said plainly, "But I don't think God will hear me." I lifted his chin and stared straight into his eyes, determined to defeat both his fears and mine. "That's not true, I prayed to God to give me a baby and He gave me you and your sister. God will definitely hear your prayer." Then the sweetest thing I've ever seen happened - he folded his little knuckles, bowed his head right there in the kitchen and began praying, "God would You please give mommy a baby in her tummy? Amen."

Approximately 3 weeks later, that prayer was answered. 

It was this sweet reminder that put a smile across my face and lifted the weight of the insecurities and doubts that I would be able to take care of another child. Sure, I'm weak. And weary. And often feel like I can't handle it all on my own. But the Lord, gave us this child. He has always renewed my strength, in one way or another, and by His grace we continue to survive.

I have felt His strength while taking care of two preschoolers and simultaneously battling nausea and digestion issues. I felt His peace when I had to make a scary trip to the ER last week to be catheterized. This hasn't been the easiest pregnancy so far. But again and again, I'm amazed at the miracle taking place inside me and I know the Lord has His hand on it all.

One exciting perk to this pregnancy - I get to share the experience! My little sister is expecting her first child, a baby girl, in October! I am so excited for her and looking forward to having close cousins as playmates! It's been fun sharing this little secret with my sister for the last few months. And, though I'm not quite sure how she did it, she was able to keep her pregnancy under wraps for 20 weeks and just had a big gender reveal party last week to surprise her friends! I'm not sure whether they were more excited about the gender or the pregnancy, but I'm glad the secret is finally out! I was having a harder time keeping her pregnancy a secret than my own, ha!

Not that I would have ever been able to hide this bump for long. Third babies don't like to hide.

Josh and I had a fun getaway last week for our anniversary in the mountains. It was my first time being away from the kids since they were born, and as nervous as I was anticipating it to be - it was definitely a much needed and relaxing time! We may look all serene and serious in these photos, but it was quite the comedy trying to capture them! We set up the self-timer on my camera - and I was hopping over rocks and hills (in heels!) to try and make it back next to him in 10 seconds. It was worth it though. These views were breathtaking and priceless. I am so glad we were able to spend this time together... just the three of us. And I guess I still technically can't say I've spent a night away from my babies, seeing as how I'm currently carrying another one. :)  

::4 Years & a Babymoon::

Josh and I spent the weekend in Orlando, Florida celebrating our

4 year anniversary!!!!

(that's four exclamation marks in case you didn't catch the excitement)



When I look at Josh, I see...


a passionate man of God a faithful and loving husband a soon-to-be, excited daddy a strong leader an encouraging friend an inspiring communicator a great teacher an outgoing personality a gifted athlete a heart full of laughter a tender spirit


my husband!

I love you, Josh.



This weekend was also planned as our "babymoon." or in other words...

our last vacation together before the baby comes.

It was great to have this time together. I highly recommend it for all couples, expecting a baby or not. I will say this though, we are definitely EXCITED to be parents! We know it's going to be tough. We know we're not going to get any sleep. We know we will have less time to devote to "just us." But, we are ready.

We get the blessing of raising a child to know and love Jesus!

How AWESOME is that?!

We have enjoyed four wonderful years (well, seven if you count dating) together. And are so thrilled to relive and rediscover things through the eyes of a child! We spent some time at Disney World this weekend and loved it. But cannot wait til Micah gets to be with us!




We had a ton of fun "making memories" in Orlando this weekend! We ate at a dinner theater. Met some cool people from Ireland. Went to Downtown Disney. "Fork & dined" at the AMC theater (coolest experience!) And explored Epcot.

(Check out the video my hubby put together on his blog!)

And to let you guys in on a little secret of ours...we spent almost NO money doing all of this! It's definitely not for everybody, but we pride ourselves in being experts in "timeshare tours." Check it out for yourself here.


tips for saving money // timeshare tours


This Week...

This week I am looking forward to:


1) Starting my third and final trimester of pregnancy! 28 weeks today.



2) Getting our 4D scan done and seeing our little boy again! on Wednesday. pictures coming soon!


3) Celebrating 4 wonderful years of marriage with Josh! in Orlando. this Thursday-Sunday. also passing as our "babymoon" (vacation before baby comes!)


I am so excited about this week. Lots of exciting things to look forward to! A little baby update... got my glucose test results back and they were normal! They did say my iron was a little low, but that was typical. Also, Josh already gave me one part of our anniversary gift this past week...




Let me just tell you, that was probably the most relaxed I have felt in a long, long time. I have been waking up with cramps (as mentioned in previous post) and they were getting worse. Since the massage, I have had a noticeable difference in pain! It was the perfect gift. Thanks, my love. (oh and don't worry, he got himself one too!)


I hope everyone has a fantastic week as well! :)