Well, it's December again. I feel like we were just here a year ago. :) This month usually goes by so fast for me, so I am going to try and soak it all in as much as possible. The lights, the smell, the music... ahh, the music. You see, Christmas music is unlike any other type. It allows us for one month (or more, if you start early) to openly sing about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ without glaring eyes or snide remarks. It is a wonderful time, bringing good tidings of great joy.
I figured there was no better way to celebrate the beginning of this great month than to post the Christmas music I've been working on this week. I hope you enjoy listening to some of my favorite Christmas "carols" that so beautifully give a picture of what this winter season is all about. :)
Forewarning, this is not a professional recording in the least bit. If you read my previous post, all of these songs were recorded on my little iPhone 4. I hope to record again (professionally) soon! We are actually working on a worship album at Watermark that will be released this summer. But for all the little songs I've written since New Day, I am saving up to record. You can donate towards the cause by leaving a tip when you download my Christmas songs on NoiseTrade. Or you can just download them for free. I just want you to have them!
Happy December and Merry Christmas!