
Posts tagged christmas
Humans make horrible idols.

Humans are fickle and make horrible idols.

This is probably not the warm, fuzzy Christmas message that people like to hear during this season. But after talking with a wise friend over the phone yesterday, I can’t shake what she said.

“When we let someone have so much power over us to the point that we worry about what they think or become insecure in our words and actions when we are around them — we have positioned them as an idol in our lives. No one, but God, deserves that kind of power!”

I know I can’t be alone here when I say, I know what it’s like to live this way. When a person becomes an idol in your life — anything they do, good or bad, has a drastic effect on you. This is dangerous because, ultimately, humans will always disappoint.

We simply weren’t created to be worshiped.

Even the “great heroes” in The Bible were very flawed and fickle individuals. Perhaps that’s why we can identify so easily with them:

We are Adam and Eve thinking we know better than God.

We are Noah walking in faith one day and drunk and naked the next.

We are Job asking God why He’s taken so much away from us.

We are David in a constant struggle between seeking after God’s heart and our own sinful desires.

We are Jonah running from God in disobedience.

We are John the Baptist with radical faith and still crippled by doubt.

We are Peter walking on water one day and denying Jesus the next.

And these are just a few examples.

Reading through the characters in the Bible makes me wonder why anyone in church ever acts like they have it together! We are all a broken mess in need of the redemptive saving of Jesus Christ. This is the best time of year to refocus our hearts and minds on what this life is all about. The why began in the Garden and the how began in a manger.

May we bow at the manger in worship to the only One truly worthy.

merry + bright

Each year, I find myself getting more and more excited about celebrating the holidays with my children! This will be our sixth Christmas with Micah, our fourth with Hannah and, hoping she comes on time, our very first with Chloe! It almost doesn't seem real that I'll be a mom of three soon. Life seems to speed by as soon as children come into the picture, and I find myself reminding single friends and couples of that all the time (I'm definitely going to be that grandma!)

But I also believe the sentiment, "time flies when you're having fun!" And if there's one thing we try and do everyday - it's have a little bit of FUN! (in-between the meltdowns and chaos, of course)

This year, Micah and Hannah have been more eager than ever to help "decorate." And since I'm at that point in pregnancy when bending over and lifting is getting harder and harder, I've been more than happy to hand over the reigns! We added a little "blue" to our tree this year to help tie it in with the rest of our home, and today we finished putting the last touches around the house.

Pictured: Hannah giving out directions on who was going to do "what," Micah building a train track around the tree and both of them hug-attacking Heidi (our dog) when it was all said and done.

Not Pictured: a bruised chin while pretending to "sled" down the hallway, stepping in dog poo while barefoot in the backyard, and a 37-week-pregnant mama cleaning up after all of it. You're welcome.

Yarborough Family | Nocatee Community Park

Well, my first holiday season as a photographer in Jacksonville is officially complete! I have been so grateful to the Lord for how smoothly the transition to a new town has been, both personally and for my photography business. I've had a steady flow of clients (that I love!) and it has been wonderful exploring a new city! This past weekend I finished my final family session before Christmas. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out, so I thought I'd share a few of my favorites here with you. This was my first time at Nocatee's community park and I will definitely be going back! So much natural light and color... ahh! I still have a couple more sessions before the New Year that I'm really excited to capture. And maybe, I'll even get a chance to share them here on the blog!

But for now, enjoy these of The Yarborough family. Nick is the worship pastor at one of our church campuses here in Jacksonville and his wife, Pam, is a great friend (and amazing hairstylist - check her out!) they have an adorable little boy, Anthony (who my little boy thinks is just the coolest!) and told me that it's been years since they've taken family photos together. I think that needs to change, they are naturals in front of the camera!