
Posts in social media
Youtube Artist Spotlight

I've been putting up videos on Youtube for over two years now. What began as just an outlet to share new music with long-distance friends and family, turned into a community of followers and a beautiful way to connect with people across the world.  Today I wanted to feature some of my personal favorite youtube channels to visit. All of these ladies are independent artists - which means they fund everything on their own. Take a minute and stop by to visit them. Your support is what allows them to continue to do what they love.

Jayme Dee

I am continually impressed by this girl. I first came across her Taylor Swift cover of "Dear John," but soon discovered she was also a great songwriter. If you love Corinne Bailey Rae or Sara Bareilles, you are sure to love Jayme. Check out her original song, "Love Whiplash!" below.


 Sarah Bella

One of my very first youtube "friends," Sarah Bella, is an incredible story-teller. She writes and sings about real life experiences - her own, as well as others. She has impacted many with her lyrics, and is currently working on recording an EP in Nashville, TN. Watch her support video below to see what it's all about.



Kina Grannis

I think we can all thank Kina for making the splash in the world of Youtube singer/songwriters. She entered her original song, "Message from Your Heart" in the Crash the Superbowl contest in 2007. I remember voting for her and watching her video win! It wasn't long before her fanbase exploded. However, Kina chose to leave the label that signed her after winning the national contest and become an independent artist. Watch her latest music video below.


Emily Elbert

I came across Emily's album "Bright Side" in 2006. I connected with her via Facebook and learned that we shared similar backgrounds, musically. She studied at Berklee and recently released another album, Proof. This is not your typical pop diva. Her songs provide depth both musically and lyrically. Don't miss out on hearing this fantastic voice.


What's Your Personality?

I've been fascinated with discovering my friend's personalities lately. Knowing how and why a person acts the way they do has intrigued me ever since I can remember. I went to school for Psychology for two years thinking we would sit around and take personality tests (unfortunately, it didn't work out that way). I believe my deep longing to understand people has really helped me in my relationships. For example, I tend not to get involved in petty arguments. If someone acts in a way that I find annoying, displeasing, etc... I just attribute it to a difference in personality. After all, I realize not everyone is going to find my personality so endearing. :)

So, like I said... I've been discovering my friend's personalities lately. I don't know how we got to talking about it, but it started with a conversation with one of my friends. We were discussing how we were different, but got along so well. And then I realized that most of my close friends have had opposite personalities than myself... organized, on-time, detail-oriented individuals. I guess I'm attracted to those who can help me in my weaknesses (which are all of the above). The same is true when it comes to my husband, Josh. He and I are both extroverts - but that's where the similarities end. We joke about our differences though, and thank God that He gave us each other to balance us out.

I have taken several different personality tests throughout my life. And they all say the same thing - it's like there's no escaping it. I'm an "I" on the DISC test and an "ENFP" on the Myers-Briggs. Here's a little break down of each.

The DISC personality test will place you in one of four different categories - D (Dominance), I (Influence), S (Steady) or C (Compliance). These are very broad categories that will sum up the basis of who you are. I fall in the "Influence" category on this test.

I (Influence) Personality Type

  • You are optimistic, charming, and outgoing.
  • You are a "people person."
  • You genuinely like people, and you want them to like you.
  • You trust people and enjoy bringing out their best.
  • You are a consummate communicator. You enjoy telling stories and you tend to exaggerate.
  • You enjoy meeting new people, working with others, and networking.
  • You tend to ignore the rules (since you don't think they really apply to you).
  • You are energized by working with people and you energize any group you work with.
  • You see the "big picture" and you can be inspirational.
  • You dislike details and you can be scattered.

Now, the Myers-Briggs test is much more detailed and specific. So if you're one of those that wants to know everything about yourself, what careers would be good for you, who you are compatible with, etc.... then definitely take this one! Each letter stands for a certain aspect of your personality. Mine, for example is "ENFP" which stands for: Extrovert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.


ENFPs are both "idea"-people and "people"-people, who see everyone and everything as part of a cosmic whole. They want to both help and to be liked and admired by other people, on both an individual and a humanitarian level. This is rarely a problem for the ENFP, as they are outgoing and warm, and genuinely like people. Some ENFPs have a great deal of zany charm, which can ingratiate them to more stodgy types in spite of their unconventionality.

ENFPs often have strong, if sometimes surprising, values and viewpoints. They tend to try to use their social skills and contacts to persuade others gently (though enthusiastically) of the rightness of these views; this sometimes results in the ENFP neglecting their nearest and dearest while caught up in their efforts to change the world.

ENFPs can be the warmest, kindest, and most sympathetic of mates; affectionate, demonstrative, and spontaneous. Many in relationships with an ENFP literally say, "They light up my life." But there is usually a trade-off: the partner must be willing to deal with the practical and financial aspects of the relationship, and the ENFP must be allowed the freedom to follow their latest path, whatever that entails.

For some ENFPs, relationships can be seriously tested by their short attention spans and emotional needs. They are easily intrigued and distracted by new friends and acquaintances, forgetting their older and more familiar emotional ties for long stretches at a time. And the less mature ENFP may need to feel they’re the constant center of attention, to confirm their image of themselves as a wonderful and fascinating person.

In the workplace, ENFPs are pleasant and friendly, and interact in a positive and creative manner with both their co-workers and the public. ENFPs are also a major asset in brainstorming sessions; follow-through on projects can be a problem, however. ENFPs do get distracted, especially if another interesting issue comes along. They also tend towards procrastination, and dislike performing small, uninteresting tasks. ENFPs are most productive when working in a group with a few Js to handle the details and the deadlines.

That is me, spot on. It's kind of scary reading it actually... it's like, "how did they know?!?" :) Interestingly enough, Josh is an ESTJ on the Myers-Briggs. Basically, we think differently in almost every way. He's neat and orderly, I'm scatter-brained. Early means on-time for him, I'm good if I make it there on schedule. I love that in my personality description it states that I need a partner who is "willing to deal with the practical and financial aspects of the relationship," because that is completely true of Josh! He definitely makes me a better, more well-rounded person. We are a team and we compliment each other in the best of ways. I am so thankful and blessed that the Lord gave me him as a husband. :)

If you're interested in taking a test, click on the one above that you would like to take... or if you have an hour or so, take both! After you have chosen a test to take and discovered your personality type, click below to read more about yourself. If you do, be sure and leave a comment below and let me know what personality type you are... I'd love to know more about the unique way that God created you. :)

DISC: D (Drive), I (Influence), S (Steadiness), C (Compliance)

Myers-Briggs: Careers, Relationships, Personal Growth



Warning: There is no filter in this post. No proofreading. No spell check. Just my random thoughts on this random Tuesday night. Enjoy. Summer. It's a refreshing feeling. I'm so thankful for a job that allows me a two month hiatus. Teaching can be one of the most rewarding, but draining jobs. I thought I was a patient person until I became a teacher. But oh, the moments when I have a class that is attentive and quiet. I just love that feeling too.

I'm still working during the summer though. Odd jobs, really. I'm teaching swim lessons for the next couple weeks. Then I have the amazing opportunity to lead worship and sing for a few events. And most excitingly, I'll be back as a track leader at WIRED for my third summer here in Dothan. I'm really looking forward to it.

Costa Rica. My first overseas mission trip ever. Really? Yep. It is a blessing from the Lord (that came in the form of a sweet couple in our church) that made this financially possible. All things work together for the good...

Speaking of good. God is good. But He's more than that, He's loving when I'm unlovable. He's patient when I'm hesitant. He's forgiving when I'm embarrassing. It's good to remind myself of these things. Especially, when I start to think I'm never going to be good enough.

And while we're talking about things that aren't good. This world is not good. I see so much I wish I didn't see. Mostly on the internet. I'm not superstitious (more suspicious than anything), but one time my dad told me that if you add up the letters in "computer" based on an ancient Babylonian numbering system, they equal 666. The alleged "mark of the beast" symbol. There are only two other words that equal this number - kissinger (whatever that means) and witchcraft. Weird, I know.

Anyway, that's a whole lot of babble to say... I am supersti.., suspicious of how this world is operating. Of how I am operating. If I am being honest, I spend a great deal of my time interacting with technology. My phone and my computer are basically attached to my hip. I am dying for an iPad actually, because it is smaller and more compact than my laptop (imagine that... something more portable than a laptop!) But goodness... the time that is wasted by staring at a screen. Every time I think of deleting social networking from my life - I feel like I'm deleting 1400 facebook friends and 400 twitter followers. Plus the fact that I order pizza online. Pay bills online. Buy music online. Sell music online. Wow...

And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. - Revelation 13:16-18

No one will buy or sell except the one who has the mark. Most everything nowadays is sold with a UPC code. Which is scanned onto a computer. And we are leaning more and more towards doing everything online. I don't know... "computer" adding up to 666 doesn't seem so crazy to me now, Dad.

So what does that leave me with? Not much, really. You won't see me throwing out my Droid anytime soon. But then again, I don't want to sit by and become ignorant of the blatant evil that is masquerading itself in the form of twitter statuses filled with gossip and hate; innocent "facebook chats" leading to adultery; google searching images that lead to pornography; building aquariums, farms and other games that waste our time; and probably the easiest to overlook and the most convicting of mine... constantly feeding our minds with what everyone else thinks and does.

I don't know how this post that began with a few babblings turned into my thoughts on the end times and the mark of the beast... but welcome to my mind. This is how I operate. I just decided to write it all out tonight instead of speaking it aloud. My husband says thank you. :)