
Posts tagged new year
One word for 2015
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This is it. The last day of 2014. There have been so many great things that have happened this year (like the birth of my daughter and the launch of my photography business) that I could spend hours recapping, but instead I would rather talk about the future. Some people choose one word or a "word of the year" to focus on for the upcoming year. In past years, nothing has ever really come to mind. But the closer we began to approach 2015, the stronger I felt that this year... I needed a word. Not just to join in the "hype" or feel like I'm setting some goal for myself - no, this is a word that I believe God has specifically placed on my heart and is teaching me to live by in the upcoming year (and beyond!)

My word for 2015? Simple.

Yes, you read that right. My word is simple.

I don't believe I'm an extravagant person, by any means. But I do like nice things. And my taste is sometimes more extravagant than my lifestyle allows (pointed out by my husband just recently). But the Lord has been working on my heart most recently, through conversations and sitting in other people's homes, through random little things I've read randomly in random places (seriously, random) and through His word - that I need to live life more simply.

Getting rid of the clutter, the packed schedule and the need to stay updated on social media. Focusing more on heart work and less on busy work. Cleaning out the closets, literally and metaphorically.

Life with two small children is not slowing down any time soon. But what I can change is how many toys there are to pick up after playtime, how many clothes we wear, how often we go out to eat and how much shopping we do. I will begin this next year by purging and only keeping things that I love or use often. I've found some helpful tips here and here on how to help me do that (and if I don't return your text message, I'm probably head down in a box somewhere).

Again, we have never been extravagant people. This isn't just about giving up a life of luxury - I truly feel called to a simple life. I want to live simply, so I can be of more use for the Kingdom of God.

I've noticed that when my life is super-packed and busy, I have less room in my schedule for others. And with all the STUFF we've accumulated lately, it takes me hours to tidy up my house. I want to have a home free of clutter, so I can invite people over on a whim and they won't be sitting in my two-week-old clean, unfolded laundry. I want there to be freedom in our budget to buy (or make) someone a meal. And I believe the answer is simple. Less is more.

There are so many verses from Scripture that come to mind when thinking of the way I desire to live my life to the glory of God. Here are a few areas where I am striving to live more simply.

  • In appearance - "Do not be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."1 Peter 3:3-4
  • In hospitality - "When you put on a luncheon or a banquet, don't invite your friends, brothers, relatives and rich neighbors. For they will invite you back, and that will be your only reward. Instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Then at the resurrection of the righteous, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you."Luke 14:13-14
  • In my home - "She carefully watches everything in her household, and suffers nothing from laziness."Proverbs 31:27

I am super excited for this new year! Excited for purging? Not really. But more than anything, I'm excited to see how the Lord is going to continue working in and through our family. This year has been a growing one (literally) and more than ever, I feel this anticipation of what He is going to do! My prayer is that our lives point to Jesus in all aspects. May the desire to live simply in our physical lives, be a motivator to live more abundantly in Christ!

Goodbye, 2012.

familycollage 2012 has been quite a year for our family.

I recapped a little on Thanksgiving. But seriously. A recap doesn't do justice to the overwhelming emotions that we have experienced this year. Putting our lives into words, no matter how hard I try on this blog, is quite impossible. Too much of what we feel is unexplainable.

Basically, my heart has been through a lot these past twelve months. And it's currently sleeping in a crib twenty feet away.

It was only a couple days after New Years in 2012 that I found out I was pregnant. Those two pink lines. The extra line that I had imagined seeing for months, finally appeared. And my heart literally ached with joy.

A few weeks later, my mom was diagnosed with cancer & my heart ached again. Only this time with a deep sadness and fear of what may happen.

Then a couple months later, we found out our little baby was going to be a little BOY. And my heart ached with excitement! Finally having a name to go with the little kicks and rolls I was beginning to feel. Micah Jordan.

Then just a few short weeks after that, we made the move from Alabama to Florida. And my heart was torn. Aching from separation from close friends and yet, aching with anticipation of what this new ministry opportunity would bring.

On my birthday, my heart ached with relief at the news that my mom's cancer was in remission! Best. birthday. present. ever.

Then my heart ached a lot over the summer. Missing friends. Making new ones. Pregnancy joys. Pregnancy pains. Family issues. Family blessings. It was up and down all the time. Every day was different. All the while, I documented and cherished the time. Never wanting to take a moment for granted.

I gave birth to my firstborn son on September 4, 2012. And when I looked at his face for the first time - there it was, my heart. It never occurred to me before how words could be so limiting, but trying to describe that moment definitely is.

For the past three months, my heart has been full of love for my child. And in some ways, it literally is as fragile as he is. But when I look back on this year -- it's no wonder. My heart has been through a lot.

Here's to a new year. And all the ups and downs it will bring. Lord, create in me a clean heart.


Above everything else guard your heart, because from it flow the springs of life. - Proverbs 4:23