
Posts in #31days
Day 21: No Friendship Will Ever Be the Same

Recently, I wrote about why I don't have a best friend. To date, it is in my Top 10 most viewed posts of all time. And this is a post I wrote only two months ago! Obviously, people care about best friends. I have had such positive feedback and conversations with people, outside this blog, about this post. They have shared their own personal "best friend" stories and hurts with me. I realize more than ever, how much people care about relationships. And even more, how much I am not alone.

If I were honest, the topic of friendships still causes discontentment in my heart a little bit. And with only 10 days(!) left in this blogging challenge, I felt like it needed to be addressed.

While I do feel like my "best friend" post summed up a lot of my feelings on labels and titles and why I avoid them in friendships; what I failed to discuss is how grateful I am for the good friends I do have and how you can never replace or replicate a relationship no matter how hard you try.


I moved from Alabama over a year and a half ago. I remember the excitement of moving back home to Florida, Josh getting a great position at a wonderful church, and the reality of being closer to family. This will be the easiest move yet, were my exact thoughts.

What I didn't realize, at least not completely at the time, is how much I would miss my friends.

I only lived in Alabama for three years, yet it felt like I grew up there. Because, in a way I did. It was the first place I lived as an adult, out of college.

Being in college drastically skews your relationships and view on friendships. It's like an extension of high school, with more freedom! You make friends with your roommates, your classmates, those who have the same degree as you, those who play sports, sing in the choir or are part of the same "sorority/fraternity." If we're being honest, you have to put in very little effort to make friendships in college. 

But then you graduate. You leave the cushion of having someone to hang out with every night. And you get in the real world.This is when the real test begins.

You are faced with people of different ages, different backgrounds and different beliefs than you. Relationships become intentional. You have to actively seek them out.

This is what I faced in the few years I was in Alabama. I struggled and prayed for about a year before I really began to make close friendships. I remember for awhile just feeling left out of every stage. Stuck between the "college kids" and the "new moms,"  I was still immature and thought I needed friends who were only in my "life stage." Instead of taking the opportunity to see who I could learn from and who I could pour into. Eventually, God allowed me to form some great relationships with women in several different stages of life. And my heart was so full.

Just as those relationships were really blossoming, God called us to move.

We moved when I was 20 weeks pregnant. On top of now having to start over in the friendship department, I was about to be a new mom. When Micah was born, I wasn't sure exactly how to be a mom and a friend at the same time. I had so many questions about motherhood and didn't feel comfortable just asking anyone the answers to them. I grew more and more discontent as I began to long for the women who held my hand and cried with me, while I was praying so hard for this child.


It took me another year, but I've finally asked God for the cure to this kind of discontentment in friendships.

No one friendship will ever be the same. 

I was trying so hard to fill the void of relationships past. I wanted someone to make me laugh the way that "so-and-so" did or listen the way that she did and on and on. When I stopped to think about it, I realized that this whole issue of comparison is probably one reason girls have such a difficult time getting along. How can I claim to love everyone and yet, be so selective when it comes to friendships?

We are called to love. Period. Not to love a certain person more, better or best.

That's what inspired my "best friend" post and that's what continues to inspire my heart every day. 

This world will never get over it's fascination with friendships and besties, but that's not the call of God. The call of God is to love, equip and encourage each other. When one falls, to help another up. Like I said before, "These friends exist plurally, and the only way to make them is by being the kind of person who shows love unconditionally, to anyone, without favoritism."

I will never be able to replace the friends I've made in Alabama, but the truth is I'll never be able to replace the friendships I've made and am continuing to make here.

This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.”  See all other posts in this series by clicking hereOr enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!

Day 20: Speak What is True

Just as the Lord would see fit, during this weekends services we sang "Here's My Heart," by David Crowder. A perfect response to yesterday's post. And exactly what I needed after this week's baby doctor appointment. My heart is holding on to worry as I try so hard to release it. I find myself absent-mindingly googling, "down syndrome soft markers" and reading testimonies from other moms. As I take in so much information and hear so many voices telling me, "It's going to be okay,"  my heart is longing for one voice, and one voice only.

Here's my heart, Lord. Speak what is true. 

Here's my heart Lord,Here's my heart LordHere's my heart Lord, Speak what is true

‘Cause I am found, I am YoursI am loved, I'm made pureI have life, I can breatheI am healed, I am free

‘Cause You are strong, You are sureYou are life, You endureYou are good, always trueYou are light breaking through

(Chorus)Here's my heart Lord,Here's my heart LordHere's my heart Lord, Speak what is true

Here's my life Lord,Here's my life LordHere's my life Lord, Speak what is trueSpeak what is trueSpeak what is true


This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.”  See all other posts in this series by clicking hereOr enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!

Day 19: My Prayer Song

When life is unpredictable, when I'm concerned with so many worries and feelings of inadequacy to face any of it, when I need more than I can give at the moment... I have a prayer song. It's not planned, and most of the time I don't even realize when I begin to hum it. But it comes from a place of overflow in my heart that was planted there a long time ago. Today, I want to share it with you all.

If you are struggling to find peace and contentment in your life right now, I hope you will listen to these timeless words and join me in seeking God's heart above all else.

Lord you have my heartAnd I will search for yoursJesus take my life and lead me on.

Lord you have my heartAnd I will search for yoursLet me be to you a sacrifice.

And I will praise you LordAnd I will sing of love come downAnd as you show your face We'll see your glory here.


This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.”  See all other posts in this series by clicking hereOr enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!