
Posts in family
merry + bright

Each year, I find myself getting more and more excited about celebrating the holidays with my children! This will be our sixth Christmas with Micah, our fourth with Hannah and, hoping she comes on time, our very first with Chloe! It almost doesn't seem real that I'll be a mom of three soon. Life seems to speed by as soon as children come into the picture, and I find myself reminding single friends and couples of that all the time (I'm definitely going to be that grandma!)

But I also believe the sentiment, "time flies when you're having fun!" And if there's one thing we try and do everyday - it's have a little bit of FUN! (in-between the meltdowns and chaos, of course)

This year, Micah and Hannah have been more eager than ever to help "decorate." And since I'm at that point in pregnancy when bending over and lifting is getting harder and harder, I've been more than happy to hand over the reigns! We added a little "blue" to our tree this year to help tie it in with the rest of our home, and today we finished putting the last touches around the house.

Pictured: Hannah giving out directions on who was going to do "what," Micah building a train track around the tree and both of them hug-attacking Heidi (our dog) when it was all said and done.

Not Pictured: a bruised chin while pretending to "sled" down the hallway, stepping in dog poo while barefoot in the backyard, and a 37-week-pregnant mama cleaning up after all of it. You're welcome.

35 weeks | Chloe Anne

Well, here we are in the final month of pregnancy and I am FINALLY able to sit down and give a little update on our sweet Chloe Anne! As I was preparing to write this blog, I went back and read some of my previous pregnancy updates with Micah and Hannah. I used to update so often back then! Time is a funny thing. You never seem to realize how much of it you have, until you realize you don't have enough. I used to think I was busy back then. And I was, just in different ways. Now, blogging is not quite as much a priority as it used to be - but I still try and make time to do it, because of the value I find in remembering the details. 

As I was reading Micah's 37 week update and Hannah's 35 week update - this pregnancy is definitely aligning somewhere in-between the two. I am not as swollen or uncomfortable as I was with Micah, but definitely more swollen and uncomfortable than I was with Hannah! I think the time of year has a lot to do with it - Micah was born in the middle of the heat of summer and Hannah in the spring following a cooler winter. All of them are Florida babies, so there is just no avoiding the heat. But I have definitely been thankful for some cooler days lately. :)

This week was also special, because we took some maternity photos! I will share below some of my favorites. We were blessed to have the sweet and special Sarah Lacognata come take them for us again! She always does a great job. And as a photographer, I have a hard time releasing control to someone - but she is truly talented and our kids love her so much that we just pretend like we're all hanging out in the woods and it makes the process a lot easier. ;)  

Previous pregnancy updates: 20 weeks | 13 weeks


35 weeks, 5 days based on original due date of December 17th! However, Chloe has been measuring a week and half ahead (just like her big sis!) pretty consistently on ultrasounds, so I have a feeling that she may come earlier than her due date (just like her big sis!). Wishful thinking? Maybe so. Because you just never know with babies! :)


The last ultrasound I had at 30 weeks said she was measuring 3.5lbs. And based on the average weight gain of .5lb a week, that would put Chloe around 6lbs right now! She's looking to be on her way to catch up to her siblings at 8.1lbs (Micah) and 8.5lbs (Hannah). 


+27lbs according to the doctor. But I'm still counting the extra 5-10lbs I put on as soon as I got that positive pregnancy test! And with Thanksgiving coming next week, I think I'm just going to stop counting all together. Ha! ;)


Leggings and t-shirts are what I pretty much live in! I still wear maternity tops and dresses when I need to look a little more put-together, but the maternity jeans are getting really uncomfortable. My one pair of hole-y maternity jeans have a bigger hole than I think was intended. Hahaha.


All four (or five?) ultrasounds have confirmed that she is indeed still a girl! We had to have a few extra ultrasounds because of a placenta-issue that has been corrected and also, checking on her heart development because of big brother's history. I love getting peeks at her cute face, but it still doesn't take away the anticipation of finally being able to hold her in my arms soon!


She moves ALL the time and let's me know she is quite low, low, LOW in my pelvis. 


Sleep is getting more and more uncomfortable these days. Rolling over is the equivalent of a middle of the night feeding at this point - getting up to pee, adjusting pillows, switching sides then repeating it all again in a couple hours. I think I'll actually enjoy the middle of the night feedings/snuggles a little more though. ;)


I always appreciate pregnancy for the miracle it is, so I try not to dwell on what I miss too much! But since this is a question, I do want to answer honestly. As a mom of two already, I miss picking up my other babies and being fully-functional. I feel like this pregnancy has been the hardest on my body - and already having two that are so active, I just want to be able to keep up! I try to remind myself that moms have been doing this for years, and have had children even closer together, etc. etc. Our bodies are built for this! And my doctors have assured me that everything I'm feeling is completely normal for a third pregnancy. 


Most of this pregnancy I have craved spicy foods. Like, straight up, jalapeños. And my heartburn hasn't been that bad, surprisingly! But now that I am running out of room, I don't want to risk it too much. So I've cut back on the spicy foods and have really been trying to eat lighter in general. I am also wanting ICE water (but mostly the ice) all. day. long.


I have already had some early labor signs and symptoms, which always gets me excited that things are progressing! But I have been trying to take it easier, because I definitely want to make it to full term next week! 


Taking maternity photos with my family! I am so thankful that my sweet friend, Sarah, drove up and took these for us! It was an overcast and dreary day, so we ended up going out around 3pm to hopefully catch some of whatever daylight we could. I actually really love the "moody" feel we got because of it. Wearing black for maternity photos was not what I had originally planned, but I'm so thankful for how these turned out! 

What should I tell them about Halloween?

Pumpkins, costumes, hot apple cider, and candy! I love the festivities that go along with this time of year! Just last week I took Micah and Hannah to a local pumpkin patch so we could pick out some pumpkins for our doorstep and also take advantage of the cute photo-ops. We have enjoyed celebrating all things "fall" and learning what this time of year is all about!

Yet, in the back of my mind, I can't ignore how the world chooses to view and celebrate the upcoming holiday that all of these festivities are obviously building towards on October 31st - Halloween

It's no lie that having children has definitely opened my eyes to contemplate the "meaning" behind everything we do and I have to be really careful in making sure I don't contradict myself. One quick walk into any retail store and you are sure to see ghosts, witches and the like. At 5 and 3.5 years old, my children have been both fascinated and spooked at every turn. And they have started asking lots of questions! Why do we celebrate Halloween? What does "trick or treat" mean? What is all the scary stuff for?

So what do I tell them about Halloween?

First, I don't ignore them. Because questions are good! Questions mean they are using discernment and trying to figure out how things connect and work together. When it comes to their faith, I want them to use discernment and see God in everything we do. When they choose to follow Jesus (and I am already praying hard for this day!) I want it to be a decision they asked lots of questions about and weighed the cost of. 

And well, secondly, it doesn't help that I am basically like a child, myself, when it comes to celebrating Halloween! I love dressing up in creative or funny costumes, going door to door, meeting new people, and getting (and giving out!) sweet treats! I love anything that brings people together. And let's be real, in our culture, we need more holidays that will bring us face to face with our neighbors.

So that's what I basically tell them it's all about! 

In order to do a better job at explaining the origin of the day, I went and read about the history - really, for the first time. And what I discovered was quite fascinating! While evil practices and paganism will creep their way into any festivity or celebration, the actual word "Halloween" (that originated from "All Hallow's Eve") was established by Christians! Christians that were looking for a way to redeem the day, because "everything belongs to the Lord." (Psalm 24:1)

Many today believe that Halloween is Satan’s day and recommend staying away from it. But recognizing such a thing would be to disregard that Satan owns nothing and that all days belong to God.
— Bodie Hodge, "Halloween History and the Bible"

If and when my children happen to see scary stuff this Halloween, I want them to know that there is real evil in this world. But I want them to also know that God is bigger than it! God overcame evil with good. And we can do the same! We can choose to have fun, wear costumes that are not scary, and take the opportunity to be kind to strangers when they approach us and ask for a "trick or treat!" We want to always encourage the positive alternative. 

Do I understand the caution behind those who choose not to "celebrate" Halloween? Of course! It is hard to ignore in Scripture the many warnings against sorcery and witchcraft, which have largely been associated with the day. And even the idea of celebrating a "day of the dead" seems questionable when Isaiah gives this warning:

When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?
— Isaiah 8:19

Just the other day, I was having a conversation with a friend and we started talking about holidays and how we reconcile celebrating them as believers. It was really refreshing to be able to sit down and have different perspectives, both with the intention of doing what we believe is best for our families and honoring to God. 

There is so much that Christians are divided over these days, that I believe could easily be resolved by conversation. I'm always reminded of Romans 14 when contemplating issues that seem to be vague or without a clear command in Scripture (sidenote: If you haven't read this chapter as a believer, please do! It was so crucial in bringing my heart from a place of legalism to a place of holiness). The goal in all of our decisions should ultimately be to do what is right and build each other up in the Lord. 

how should we celebrate Halloween as believers?

This is one of those decisions that I believe comes down to how you choose to honor God with your life. Just as Romans 14 says that some honor God by denying themselves certain foods (or in this case, holidays), some choose to honor God by acknowledging that everything belongs to Him anyway. Thankfully, "the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit," (Romans 14:17) and if you can find a way of doing that on October 31st, then maybe I'll see you out there on the streets for a sweet treat! ;)