
Posts in #31days
Day 15: There Will Always Be Someone Better Than You

As I sat down to watch The Voice tonight the same recurring thought I have every time I watch this show came to mind, "Gosh, these singers are so much better than me!"  Since I was a little girl, I've loved to sing. It was the one thing  I felt like I was good at naturally from a young age. My mom drove me to a few singing competitions when I was around 10-13 years old and every time I went to audition, I always heard other wonderful singers who were much better than me.

But that never stopped me from singing. And it didn't discourage me from writing music, picking up the guitar at sixteen and recording my first album during my senior year of high school.

Because I believed that God had a calling on my life. Without that, I would have given up a long time ago.

Sometimes I think we believe that if we are not the best at something, then we shouldn't do it at all. I know I have been discouraged from doing a lot of things because I knew someone else who was better than me at it. Whether it was writing, or photography, or teaching, or singing. I may love to do it, but that isn't always enough for me to step out of the fear that I will humiliate myself by trying.

But God doesn't always call the best. 

There is a verse in 1 Timothy that we use often to encourage teenagers to follow Jesus. But when thinking about this insecurity we often face when it comes to our talents and abilities, I sensed God leading me to it.

"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 

Scholars believe that Timothy was most likely twenty to thirty years old when Paul wrote this to him. Some even say that he could have been as old as 48! A little older than the pre-teen I had pictured in mind. I think this tells us that this verse had a lot more to do with Timothy's inexperience than just his physical age. Paul wanted to encourage Timothy to not worry about people looking down on his skill set or lack of knowledge in certain areas, but instead to live a life of one who is called out by God. 

There are so many examples in the Bible of people called by God who were not "the best" in their field. How about the fact that Moses had a speech impediment and yet, was called to preach? And Jonah was called by God to go boldly into the huge city of Nineveh, but was a coward and ran the other way!

There will always be someone better, more equipped, than you. 

Our calling is not to seek accolades and awards here on earth. Sometimes we miss that and spend all our life striving for worldly recognition. But we'll never have enough of that (just look at the extremes celebrities go to to get noticed these days) and it will leave us discontent.

Likewise, if we try to run and ignore God's calling on our life to do something great for His glory, that too will leave us discontent.

I sense there are many of you out there who are running from something because of fear. Maybe fear of failing, or just not being good enough. I pray today that you will let go of anything that is holding you back from being all that God has created you for.

Do something today, not because you believe you are the best, but because you believe you are called. 

This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.”  See all other posts in this series by clicking hereOr enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!

Day 14: My Little Onion (18 Weeks)

This morning we had a doctor appointment to check up on our little girl!

I thought I would combine a pregnancy update with today's 31 Days post, since there are always things I am learning to be content about while pregnant and this seems like the perfect time to share them. :)


Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: After our "16 week" scan they let us know that the baby was measuring a week behind from my original due date based on LMP. This was the second ultrasound we've had and both times were consistently a week behind, so they pushed my due date back to March 19th. It's always a bummer to have to "repeat" a week of pregnancy, but I'd rather have an accurate due date so that the likelihood of an unnecessary induction goes down. Currently I am 17 weeks, 6 days (I went ahead and rounded up for this post!) Size of baby: Baby #2 is the size of an onion. Total Weight Gain/Loss: + 7lbs. Maternity Clothes: I'm mix and matching right now. Wearing a lot of jeggings and my post-Micah, non-maternity pants that are a size bigger, and looser fitting tops. Still too small for a lot of my maternity pants/tops (except the one pictured above - that is one of the small maternity tops I grew out of fairly quickly with Micah!) Needless to say, clothes are just hard right now. Gender: According to our 15 week ultrasound... it's a GIRL! (Will be confirmed this Wednesday, Oct 16th) Movement: I felt the first little flutters on September 23rd at 15 weeks! I was eagerly anticipating them or I don't think I would have noticed them at all. Since then, I feel movement every few days or so. Not consistent yet. It's my favorite part of pregnancy, so I'm waiting for those big jabs! ;) Sleep: Sleep is still going good! Not at the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy yet and I have a 13 month old who lets me sleep through the night. Nothing to complain about here! Cravings: Hm, I really don't know. I have a few cravings here and there, but nothing that's been consistent or weird. I would say I'm craving sweet and salty foods the most these days. Symptoms: Biggest symptom I've been having since I found out I was pregnant is heart palpitations. I'm getting used to them, but they are mostly just annoying. Also, a little heartburn this week. Not as bad as I remember it with Micah, praise the Lord! Best Moment this week: Hearing the baby’s heartbeat at the doctor’s earlier today! It was 135bpm. Lower than Micah's ever was! I think the whole heartbeat theory is definitely being proved wrong in our case. :)


This pregnancy has definitely been flying by. I can't believe I'm almost to the halfway point! I can honestly say, it's a lot different being pregnant the second time around. My body isn't adjusting as drastically as it did the first time. I barely notice my growing belly! But I have a feeling it will start to "pop" soon.

As far as the emotional aspect of pregnancy... well going through it a second time isn't any easier. Maybe even a little bit harder, since I'm not as naive as I was about the real possibility of heart defects, etc. There is so much to worry about. And I'm just trying to do my best to keep my hands pointed up in surrender to God.

We'll be having another ultrasound done this Wednesday to check out our baby girl's heart for any problems that may need addressing. This could possibly even be a factor in what hospital we deliver at. Today at my check-up they told me my belly was measuring "small" (16 weeks instead of 18 weeks) and of course, just another reason to worry. But we could very well be walking out of our appointment Wednesday with amazing news that our baby is absolutely healthy and growing normally, so why even worry about something we don't know yet?! That's what I keep telling myself.

Being content in all things has been my prayer and focus this month. On this blog and in my heart. I just want to learn how to be content in Christ alone. I want that to be what others see when they look at my life. Not because I want to appear like I have it all together - in fact, I hope they see that I don't - but that Jesus is the glue that mends and holds my life together.

Sometimes that will mean walking a hard road, I know. And sometimes, that could mean showing God's blessings and answer to prayers.

But above all, I hope I can learn to be content in whatever circumstance.

This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.”  See all other posts in this series by clicking hereOr enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!

Day 13: Praying for a Pumpkin

Yesterday we visited a local pumpkin patch and let Micah pick out his very first pumpkin!As soon as we walked up he started saying, "ball! ball!" over and over. Anything round is a ball these days. :)


While we were visiting we ran into a few friends of ours and their kids. Their daughter was so sweet to pick up Micah after he was attacked on his feet by some fire ants! She plopped him on a pumpkin. So adorable.


Having a child has brought out so many things in me. One of those is a desire for him to experience so much joy in life! Things like going to a pumpkin patch or seeing lights during Christmas time. It's not even about reliving childhood memories for me. I just love to experience life with him.


I can't help but think back to almost exactly two years ago, when I wrote this post while Josh and I were praying for a little pumpkin of our own. I just have so much gratitude for where God has brought us from then to now. He knew that Micah was only a couple years away, and that we'd be welcoming another baby girl soon after! All those tears I cried, and He was saying, "just wait."

Whatever situation or season of life that we find ourselves discontent in, I believe there is a "just wait" answer that is being drowned out by our own cries and our own expectations about how life should be. The whole time, God has a plan that is beyond what we can even imagine. We just have to remind ourselves to trust Him. Seek Him. Pray daily for His will to be done. And then, believe it will.


This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.”  See all other posts in this series by clicking hereOr enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!