
Posts in #31days
Day 8: Seeing the Magic through a Child's Eyes

After church Sunday, we drove down to Orlando for a little getaway vacation. We've been planning this for a few months now, and were really looking forward to the time away just to rest. And thanks to some great friends, we saved a ton of money on a Disney resort and got a free pass to a theme park of our choice!

We woke up bright and early this morning and headed to Disney's Animal Kingdom. We decided on this park for two reasons - 1) Micah absolutely LOVES animals and 2) There is lots to do for small children and pregnant women. Magic Kingdom is great and we look forward to taking Micah there one day - but honestly, at this age he knows more about animals than Mickey Mouse! We will come back one day when he's older and can remember it (and bring his little sister too!)

It was such a fun day! The Festival of the Lion King show was probably my favorite! I just enjoyed watching Micah captivated by all the singers and dancers. He enjoyed it so much, he fell asleep! Haha! That's when you know it's good - he almost always falls asleep to good music. ;)

Vacations are different as a parent. Especially going to theme parks. There are naps that need to be taken, another mouth to feed, rides that need to be avoided, not to mention a bulky stroller to push around. The list goes on. And you would think that the extra responsibility or hindrance, in some cases, would be a cause of discontentment. But in fact, it's the opposite - I couldn't be more excited about having our little boy with us!


There is just something about seeing the magic through a child's eyes. I think Josh and I stared at Micah more than we did anything else! The exciting thing is that he is still young and it will only get better as he gets older and understands more of what is going on around him. Every day is like a new adventure waiting to be explored.

When I think about it, I have a lot to learn from him.

I have life experiences, expectations and stereotypes in front of me every day. My discontentment a lot of times is relative to one of these three things. Either it was better in the past, I expected it to be more or it's known to be bad anyway. 

But Micah has none of that. He just sees. He takes every moment in and enjoys what is in front of him.

How different would my life be if I lived this way? And more importantly, if I loved people this way?


I want to be more like my son, Micah. One of the cutest things he does right now is wave at anyone who comes within five feet of him. And I mean, anyone. Sometimes they don't see his little hand sticking out and don't wave back. But he's not phased. He goes right on looking for someone else to wave to! I'll be sad to see the day he first experiences rejection. I wish he never would.

Going to Disney today with my child for the first time, was probably one of the most content days I've spent at a theme park ever. Why? Because he was content. And living vicariously through him meant we had no other choice but to be content too.


This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.”  See all other posts in this series by clicking hereOr enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!

Day 7: One Week of Blogging

I just want to take a moment to congratulate myself on ONE WEEK down of the 31 Day blogging challenge. (pats myself on back)

No big deal. It's not like I've been rushing around to get a post in before midnight or anything.

(looks at clock - it's currently 11:20pm)

Ok, really though... blogging every day has never been one of my strengths. I've been writing for 8 years now, and never have I gone even a WEEK blogging every day. At my BEST, I was blogging 2-3 times a week. So this week has been challenging, to put it lightly. I guess one of my problems is that I don't plan ahead. I'm not a "strategic blogger" in any sense of the word. I have no goals, no agenda, nothing I'm really looking to promote here. Except the gospel of Jesus Christ, of course. I write for personal pleasure and hopefully to offer encouragement to others.

If I were honest, sometimes I get discontent about that.


I am thankful for all the great readers I have out there. I've realized more in this last week just how many of you there are! And I don't want to take advantage of that. Or even come across like I think my voice matters more than yours - because, honestly it doesn't. There are so many of you who I need to learn from. And when I write something, and it gets passed along to others, sometimes I get nervous about that. I'm not an expert on friendships, or marriage, or being a mom or the bible or anything really. I just share personal stories and my perspective on these things.

So anyway, I say all that because when I'm rushing around to get a post written before midnight, it takes everything in me to ignore the little voice that creeps in telling me that I have nothing good to offer and why even bother. I know it's a lie.

By the power of Jesus, I believe that people's lives are going to be changed. Whether He chooses to do that through Billy Graham or little bloggers like myself, I believe it. And that's all I need to know to be content that what I'm doing matters, as long as I'm doing it for Him.


This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.”  See all other posts in this series by clicking hereOr enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!

Day 6: What I'm Called to Do

One of the places I feel most content in life is leading worship. It's where I know God has called me to serve and use my talents for His glory and honor.

When I perform for weddings or events, I always get nervous. Always. But there is such a peace that comes over me when leading others to worship God that drowns out all the fears of what people think of me. I don't get nervous - I get excited, passionate and filled with a desire for others to truly sing out and praise God for what He has done for us!

Besides being a wife and mom, there is no other place where I feel absolutely fulfilled.

I am so thankful I had the opportunity to help lead our students in worship this past weekend at Decrease! They are some of the most passionate people I have ever met. Seriously, if you haven't spent much time with the teenagers at your church - you're missing out. I know everyone thinks they're up to no good and living carelessly in their youth, and sometimes that's true. But there are a ton of students that are genuinely seeking authentic faith and looking to see it lived out by us "old people" (and at 26, yes I'm old to them).

Live it. Be an example for them. Don't just write them off because they are struggling through this thing called life. They need our godly counsel and wisdom.

Whew, sorry to get off on a tangent there. I guess maybe someone out there needed to hear that today. But God has just really pressed upon me how important it is to influence the younger generations.

So like I said, leading worship and contentment go hand in hand for me. I will talk more later this month on ways that I still struggle with insecurities with my voice and music. But knowing that I'm doing what I'm called to do, gives me so much peace.

I'm sharing a few video snippets below that I gathered from students and leaders of the awesome weekend!

Hope you all had an amazing weekend as well! We're currently taking a time of "rest" and spending a few days in Orlando at Disney! I will be updating the blog every day, and I have a feeling it won't be too hard to find ways to be content while on vacation. Just a guess though. ;)

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This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October entitled “31 Days of Being Content.” See all other posts in this series by clicking here. Or enter your email address in the sidebar on the right to subscribe to this blog and receive posts straight to your inbox!